Cattle– Eurofarm is your experienced supplier of Simmental, Limousine, Holstein, Charolais, blue Belgian and Angus breeds. From pregnant heifers through calves to young bulls, the company provides the best of the breed the most adapted to your needs, for fattening, slaughtering or breeding purposes.
Breed Purpose: Meat
Special Notes: Well adapted to native climates, extremely hardy, strong, easy calving, excellent maternal qualities, good quality meat.
Weight Bulls: Around 1100 kg
Weight slaughter bulls: About 650-750 kg at less than 24 months
Weight Cows: Around 900 kg
Climate Tolerance: Native climates
Coat Color: Mainly white
Horned: Yes or polled
Country of Origin: France, Czech Republic, Hungary
Breed Purpose: Milk and meat
Special Notes: Very hardy, active, well adapted to native climates, grow relatively faster, good quality meat, longevity, easy calving, docile temperament
Weight Bulls: Around 1100 kg
Weight slaughter bulls: About 600-700 kg at less than 24 months
Weight Cows: Around 700 kg
Climate Tolerance: Native climates
Coat Color: Usually red pied with white head and legs
Horned: Yes or polled
Milk Yield: 6000-7000 liters/ lactation
Country of Origin: Romania, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary
Breed Purpose: Milk and meat
Special Notes: Very hardy, active, well adapted to native climates, grow relatively faster, good quality meat, longevity, easy calving, docile temperament
Weight Bulls: Around 1100 kg
Weight slaughter bulls: About 600-700 kg at less than 24 months
Weight Cows: Around 700 kg
Climate Tolerance: Native climates
Coat Color: Usually red pied with white head and legs
Horned: Yes or polled
Milk Yield: 6000-7000 liters/ lactation
Country of Origin: Romania, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary
Belgian Blue
Breed Purpose: Meat and cross breeding
Special Notes: Well adapted to native climates, very good for
meat production, very hardy, excellent temperament, good mobility, good structure, high degree of conformity, hyper-developed muscling, good size, high feed efficiency for fattening.
Weight Bulls: 1100-1250 kg
Weight slaughter bulls: About 650-750 kg at less than 24 months.
Weight Cows: 850-900 kg
Climate Tolerance: All climates
Coat Color: Can range from black, blue roan, white or a combination of these color
Horned: No
Country of Origin: Belgium, Romania
Breed Purpose: Milk, meat
Special Notes: Strong, hardy, good milk producers, fast growers, well adapted to harsh climates.
Breed Size: Medium to large
Weight Bulls: 900 to 1200 kg
Weight slaughter bulls: 650 kg at less than 24 months
Weight Cows: 600 to 700 kg
Climate Tolerance: All Climates
Coat Color: Red pied
Horned: Yes
Milk Yield: 6000-7500 liters / lactation
Country of Origin: France
Breed Purpose: Milk
Special Notes: Straight back side legs, heavy back side, cow produce calf for the first time at the age of 2.5 years.
Weight Bulls: Around 800-900 kg
Weight Cows: Around 500-600 kg
Climate Tolerance: Native climates
Coat Color: Mixed black and white
Horned: No
Milk Yield: 7000-9000 liters/ lactation
Country of Origin: Netherlands, France,
Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany
Breed Purpose: Production of lean beef and crossbreeding
Special Notes: Well adapted to native climates, very hardy, easy calving, low birth weight, higher than average yield, high feed conversion efficiency, ability to produce lean, tender meat.
Weight Bulls: About 1000-1100 kg
Weight slaughter bulls: About 600-700 kg at less than 24 months
Weight Cows: About 650-700 kg
Climate Tolerance: All Climates
Coat Color: Light wheat to darker golden-red. Black also bred.
Horned: Yes or polled
Milk Yield: Poor
Country of Origin: France, Czech Republic, Austria , Hungary